Veterans Club of Barrie Remembrance Dinner 2021
at the Barrie Legion on 4 November 2021

Padre Rick Horst reading the names of the 5 members on the Last Post list at the VCB Remembrance Dinner
at the Barrie Legion, 4 Nov 2021

Piper HCol Rory Mackinnon and Bugler Tony Beresford at the VCB Remembrance Dinner

Members enjoying the VCB Remembrance Dinner and the first meeting in person
since the start of the COVID 19 Pandemic in March 2020

Bill Sergeant and Ron McKay welcoming new VCB members Bruce Walters and Ross Wuerth

Eli Aucoin introducing his guest at the VCB Remembrance Dinner at the Barrie Legion,

Fern Taillefer talking about the Remembrance Day activities at the Barrie Legion, 4 Nov 2021

Guest Speaker HCol Jennifer Armstrong at the VCB Remembrance Dinner

Guest Speaker HCol Jennifer Armstrong at the VCB Remembrance Dinner

Randy Rice thanking Guest Speaker HCol Jennifer Armstrong