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VCB Dinner 22 June 2017 at RCL Branch 147, Barrie, ON

Bill Sergeant, Rob Warman, Ellen Stahls, Fred Marentette, Randy Rice, Ron MacKay, JM Pigeon, Vic Lefaive & Greg Merrill receiving their Canada 150 coins from MP John Brassard

President Greg Merrill with new members Tom Roduck, Jerry Collins, Murray Patterson, and Rita Reimer and Membership Chair Rob Warman

Greg Merrill looks on as Vic LeFaive received his Canada 150 coin from MP John Brassard

Ellen Stahls receiving her Canada 150 coin
from MP John Brassard

Fred Marentette receiving his Canada 150 coin
from MP John Brassard

Fern Taillfer and Gary Miner with MP John Brassard and his wife Liane
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