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VCB Dinner 7 November 2019
VCB President Randy Rice presenting Legion President Tim Shaughnessy and VP Fern Taillefer
with a donation of $150 towards the Poppy Fund
VCB 2nd VP Bob George making an announcement about the three Peacekeeper plaques that were purchased as a result of the $450 VCB donation to their Park,
Legion VP Fern Taillefer making an announcement about the Veterans' Christmas Gala on 23 Nov, 2019
Guest Speaker, HCol Emeritus, Maj ret'd, Doctor Ken Hedges at the VCB Remembrance Dinner
Guest Speaker HCol Emeritus, Maj ret'd, Doctor Ken Hedges being thanked by 2nd VP Bob George
Incoming VCB President Ron McKay being inducted by
Padre Rick Horst as Dr. Ken Hedges watches on.
Incoming VCB President Ron McKay
VCB New Executive 2020
Bill Sergeant, Greg Merrill, Rob Warman, Gary Vandenberghe, Randy Rice, President Ron McKay, Bob George, Ellen Stahls, Jean Maurice Pigeon, & Padre Rick Horst
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